Due to current circumstances shutting down local printers, we have been unable to distribute this newsletter to local residents.

We want you to know that we are still working hard, liaising with both WDC and WCC and passing on advice and information to our partners in our community. We are also still open to contact by any of you who need help and support, so please do email us at the usual addresses:



"This is an incredibly difficult time for our community, and we hope that everyone is staying safe and well." Cllr Helen Adkins
Cllr Helen Adkins

Mutual Aid COVID-19 Help and support. We are working alongside Warwick and Leamington COVID-19 mutual aid group. They are providing help to people in Willes with the help of over 400 volunteers who can provide vital support.

Mutual Aid can help with:

·       Food deliveries
·       Prescription deliveries
·       Someone to talk to

Contact details are below:

Tel: 01926 674065

email: warwickleamingtoncovidhelp@yahoo.com

web address: https://warwickleamingtoncovidhelp.wordpress.com/

If you would like to volunteer to help, please do so at the above web address and follow the relevant links.

"We would like to emphasise how important it is to follow government guidelines and stay in doors apart from essential trips out. If we do this, together we can beat COVID-19." Cllr Mini Mangat
Cllr Mini Mangat
Message from the SYDNI Centre:

Due to government guidance, the SYDNI centre is now closed, however we are still answering phone calls and can redirect you if you need help. Tel: 01926 422071 We encourage you to follow government guidance and stay in-doors, apart from essential trips. Please however, look out for your vulnerable neighbours whilst keeping yourself safe and following guidance.

Key information about COVID-19

  1. The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of a new continuous cough and/or high temperature. If your symptoms worsen during home isolation or are no better after 7 days, contact NHS 111 online. If you have no internet access, you should call NHS 111. For a medical emergency dial 999.
  2. Wash your hands more often than usual, for 20 seconds using soap and hot water, particularly after coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose, or after being in public areas where other people are doing so. Use hand sanitiser if that’s all you have access to.
  3. To reduce the spread of germs when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, or your sleeve (not your hands) if you don’t have a tissue, and throw the tissue in a bin immediately. Then wash your hands or use a hand sanitising gel.
  4. Clean and disinfect regularly touched objects and surfaces using your regular cleaning products to reduce the risk of passing the infection on to other people. At the current time and based on our understanding of what is known of COVID-19 and other similar respiratory viruses, it is likely that older people and those with chronic medical conditions may be vulnerable to severe disease.


Key contact numbers: Warwickshire County Council: 01926 410410 9am-5pm Mon-Thu and 9am-4.30pm Fri. Warwick District Council: 01926 495353


Government guidance

When we reduce our day-to-day contact with other people, we will reduce the spread of the infection. That is why the government is now (23 March 2020) introducing three new measures.

  1. Requiring people to stay at home, except for very limited purposes
  2. Closing non-essential shops and community spaces
  3. Stopping all gatherings of more than two people in public

Every citizen must comply with these new measures. The relevant authorities, including the police, will be given the powers to enforce them – including through fines and dispersing gatherings. These measures are effective immediately. The Government will look again at these measures in three weeks and relax them if the evidence shows this is possible.

COVID-19 guidance for employees, employers and businesses:


Coventry & Warwickshire Growth Hub https://www.cwgrowthhub.co.uk/service/coronavirus-outbreak-information-and-updates.

Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce https://www.cw-chamber.co.uk/international-trade-blog/coronavirus-february-2020/


Labour Group Surgery: for the time being we will no longer be running our surgeries which are normally held on the first Saturday of every month. However, you can contact us via email and will get back to you:




How to contact us:

Our surgery is the first Saturday of every month at Sydenham Shops.

Email: helenoneilladkins@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 07974018566

Facebook: www.facebook.com/southleamvoice/ or www.facebook.com/labour4Sydenham/

Instagram: @warwickleamingtonlabour
Twitter: @WarkandLeamCLP

Promoted by Helen Adkins on behalf of Labour Party Councillors in Willes ward all at 15 Rugby Rd, Warks, CV339BW. Printed by Cadman Printers, Jenton Road, Leamington, CV31 1XS.

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